Shipping Policy

A shipping policy of delivering the products or services to the buyers, including the shipping methods, costs, delivery time, tracking information, and return policy.

Shipping policy that applies to all transactions made through the portal. Here are some important points to keep in mind:


- Shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on the location of the buyer and the seller, the size and weight of the product, and the shipping method chosen by the seller. You can check the estimated shipping costs and delivery times on the product page before placing an order.

  - The estimated delivery time for each shipping method and option, taking into account the processing time, transit time, and possible delays.

- The seller is responsible for packaging and shipping the product to the buyer within the specified time frame. The seller should also provide a tracking number or a proof of delivery to the buyer once the product is shipped.

- The buyer is responsible for paying any customs duties, taxes, or fees that may apply to the product upon delivery.

- The buyer should also inspect the product upon arrival and report any damages, defects, or discrepancies to the seller within 24 hours.

- If the product does not arrive within the expected delivery time, or if it arrives damaged, defective, or different from what was ordered, the buyer can request a refund or a replacement from the seller through the portal. The seller should respond to the request within 48 hours and offer a satisfactory solution to the buyer.

- If the seller does not respond to the request or does not offer a satisfactory solution, the buyer can escalate the issue to Saron Mall's customer service team, who will mediate between the buyer and the seller and try to resolve the dispute amicably.

- Saron Mall does not guarantee or endorse any products or services offered by the sellers on the platform. The buyers should exercise their own judgment and due diligence when purchasing products from the sellers. Multi-vendor Ecommerce portal is not liable for any damages, losses, or claims arising from or related to any transactions made through the portal.

  - The return policy and procedure for each vendor and product category, such as the eligibility criteria, return period, refund method, and return shipping cost.

  - The disclaimer and liability clauses for each vendor and product category, such as the responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen items, customs fees, taxes, or legal issues.


By using Saron Mall, you agree to abide by these shipping policy terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about shipping, please contact us at We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us!