Cancelation Policy

Our portal is designed to provide a convenient and secure platform for both sellers and buyers to conduct transactions online. However, we understand that sometimes you may need to cancel your order for various reasons.


A cancellation policy is a set of rules and conditions that governs the rights and obligations of both parties when a buyer or a vendor decides to cancel an order.


Here is how our cancelation policy works:

- The circumstances under which a buyer or a vendor can cancel an order such as product unavailability, delivery delay as more than said time, quality issues, force majeure, etc.

- The time frame within which a buyer or a vendor can cancel an order, such as before or after confirmation, before or after dispatch, before or after delivery, etc.

- You can cancel your order any time before the seller ships the item. To do so, you need to log in to your account, go to your orders page, and click on the cancel button next to the order you want to cancel. You will receive a confirmation email and a full refund within 48 hours amount will be added in wallet.

- If the seller has already shipped the item, you can still cancel your order before receiving it. To do so, you need to contact the seller directly through our portal and request a cancelation. The seller may ask you to return the item in its original condition and packaging. You will be responsible for paying the return shipping costs. Once the seller receives the item and confirms its condition, you will receive a full refund within 10 to 15 days and amount will be added in wallet.

- If the item you received is damaged, defective, or not as described, you can request a return or exchange within 2 days of receiving it. To do so, you need to contact the seller directly through our portal and provide proof of the issue, such as photos or videos. The seller will either offer you a replacement, a partial refund, or a full refund depending on the situation. You may or may not have to return the item depending on the seller's discretion. If you have to return the item, the seller will cover the return shipping costs.

- The dispute resolution mechanism in case of any disagreement or dissatisfaction between the buyer and the vendor regarding the cancellation policy or its implementation, such as arbitration, mediation, legal action, etc.

- If you have any questions or concerns about your order or our cancelation policy, please feel free to contact our customer service team through our portal. We are always happy to help and resolve any issues you may have.