Refund Policy


Our portal connects local vendors and local buyers, offering a wide range of products and services. We value your satisfaction and trust, and we want you to have a hassle-free shopping experience with us. That's why we have a clear and fair refund policy that applies to all transactions on our platform.


- You can request a refund within 2 days of receiving your order, as long as the item is in its original condition, unused, unworn, unwashed, unaltered, and with all tags and labels attached.

- To request a refund, you need to contact the vendor directly through our messaging system and provide your order number, reason for refund, and any relevant photos or evidence. The vendor will respond to your request within 48 hours and either approve or decline it.

- If the vendor approves your refund request, they will initiate the refund process through our payment gateway. You will receive the refund amount in your original payment method within 15 to 20 working days to your wallet, minus any shipping fees or taxes that were paid at the time of purchase.

- If the vendor declines your refund request, you can escalate the issue to us by contacting our customer support team. We will review your case and mediate between you and the vendor to reach a fair resolution. Our decision will be final and binding for both parties.

- In some cases, we may require you to return the item to the vendor before issuing a refund. In such cases, you will be responsible for paying the return shipping costs and providing us with a valid tracking number. We will not process the refund until we receive confirmation that the item has been delivered to the vendor.

- Some items are not eligible for refunds, such as perishable goods, digital products, customized products, gift cards, and clearance items. These items will be clearly marked as non-refundable on their product pages. Please read the product description carefully before placing an order.

- We reserve the right to refuse a refund if we suspect any fraud, abuse, or violation of our terms and conditions.